IPEK and CRC1123 at IVBM 2024

The Collaborative Research Center 1123 (CRC1123), focused on Atherosclerosis and funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), participated in the International Vascular Biology Meeting (IVBM) 2024 in Amsterdam earlier this month.
The CRC1123 sponsored two sessions at the conference, both focused on 'Emerging Molecular Mechanisms in Atherosclerosis'. On Wednesday, July 3, 2024, the session was chaired by IPEK group leader and CRC1123 Principal Investigator Sabine Steffens and Menno de Winther (Amsterdam, Netherlands). This session, featured a talk by CRC1123 Principal Investigator Yaw Asare on "A cis-regulatory element controls HDAC9 expression to fine-tune inflammasome-dependent chronic inflammation" as well as one from Sabine Steffens on the "role of endothelial CB1 in atherosclerosis". On Thursday, July 4, 2024, the session was chaired by CRC123 Principal Investigator Jürgen Bernhagen (ISD, University Hospital Munich) and Marit Westerterp (University Medical Center Groningen, Netherlands). It started with presentations from CRC1123-invited international speakers Mireille Ouimet (University of Ottawa, Canada) and Laurent Yvan-Charvet (Nice, France) on Cardiovascular Metabolism who were followed by CRC 1123 Principal Investigator and IPEK member Maliheh Nazari-Jahantigh from the Schober Lab on "Regulation of Necrotic Core Formation by MicroRNAs."
IPEK scientist and Young DZHK representative Laura Parma from the Duchene-Megens Lab, as well as CRC1123 Principal investigators Oliver Söhnlein , Lars Mägdefessel and Martin Dichgans also actively contributed to the conference. The CRC1123 encouraged and sponsored participation from Graduate School students Trusha Adeshara from the Maegdefessel Lab, Julia Stermann from the Stark/Pakayvaz Lab as well as Simon Maximilian Ebert and Bishan Yang from the Bernhagen Lab.
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